
By aaron.axvig, Mon, 05/20/2024 - 14:49

Last updated 2024-05-20 (

  • Tending to one daughter and another is on the way.
  • Always have some house remodeling going.  Currently the main bathroom is getting a full gut remodel.
  • Dreaming of reading a book after the bathroom is done.
  • Enjoying my job as a network administrator at NISC.
  • Getting started on some regular meetings out of the house.  "Book club" is what we are calling it, even though it may not be about books.  My wife has been going to book clubs regularly (good to get out of the house and see people) and this is a similar thing for me to do so the name seemed funny.
  • There's always something cooking in my homelab.  5 node Proxmox cluster running about 20 VMs.
  • I am building out Drupal as a sort of personal ERP system.  Very slowly.  I have had books, vehicles, trips, and computers in there for a while.  I started adding vehicle maintenance records and plans now.  Some is not public of course.