Hot day to Somerset, KY

By aaron.axvig, Tue, 09/10/2013 - 23:00

The heat hit me hard today although I don't think the temperatures were actually quite as high as yesterday. Slower speeds in the plentiful construction zones were definitely part of the problem. I stayed well-hydrated but as I was experiencing heat chills I took more breaks to try and stay cool. 500 miles for the day puts me just south of Somerset, KY.

Traffic on the interstates in Indianapolis and Louisville was crazy with trucks. South of Louisville I switched off the highway toggle on my GPS app and took quite delightful curvy country roads to Somerset. Now that I have reached what I consider to be my area of interest I will be leaving that switched off. While I love hauling along on the interstates in ND, it will be a relief to not deal with all the trucks that are on them here. Plus, fun roads!

Did you know the cement trucks here dump out of the cab end? It looks so funny to see a cement truck driving down the road "backwards." Saw the first example just east of Minneapolis actually.